Monday, August 12, 2013

Kneeling on the mission road..

The comfort in  the smell of the sea and the feel of the sand under my feet, the cool water washing over my feet,  the sight of birds and sound of the crashing waves embracing the shore, was sheer delight. These are pictures of  the Hermosa Beach. You can read more about the beach  HERE.

It reminded me and embraced me with the  comfort of provisions, peace, protection and love and warmth of  my hometown, where within the safety and protection of the home it was mere comfort and I knew nothing else. The Marina beach (you can read more about it HERE) was just a mile away from the house where I grew up in. We would visit the beach very frequently and the smell of the sea surrounded our family chats,  fellowship and child like play.  The school where I went to was just along the beach too. Read more about my school HERE  The St George's Cathedral, (Read more about the church HERE) was walking distance,  and the Good Shepherd church was just behind my home. (Read more about the church HERE).  We worshiped in both these churches that had services in English and the  regional language.

When all comforts flee I will still love my Savior, as I love Him for whom He is and not for the comfort that His love provides. On the mission road, comforts take a new definition and new normal. I cleave to the Rock of ages, and hide myself in Him. Although the smell of the sea was teaching me about the existence of, and my recognition of comfort I have arrived at a place where  I can say with Job, "If he slay me, yet would I trust in Him". With or without  the comfort Hi love provides, I love Him.  On the mission road at this altitude of spiritual growth there are new tests that inform and shape and challenge me.

I drew and left  my signature on the shore on the sands of time....

The waves had judiciously moistened the sand for me. A lovely bird had left a feather for me too. I had used the feather  as a quill to write and  hoisted the feather atop the castle I made. It was childlike glee.
Kids when very young are teachable. Christ points to little children as the model to which the members of his kingdom must be with focus on the  humility  and simplicity of a child that are  contrary to being self seeking and worldly.  Christ said "Blessed are the poor in spirit for their is the kingdom of Heaven..Mathew 5:3.

I waited for the waves to wash my sand castles away.

There was this lone bird watching the setting sun and looking to see if he could take a dive for a fish.

It was fun to play in the waves and walk out black knees blackened and hardened with kneeling, remind me of the times I spend on my knees and my conversations on the mission road. My great grandmother had trained us to kneel direct on the rough  floor for hours. Those were the days when we sat on the rugged floor of the church that had no pews. Over the years I have seen churches have comfortable warm cushions for sitting as well as kneeling.
Now again over the years I see churches with no kneeling pads at all. Kneeling  is becoming slowly a thing of the past.

Walked towards  my shoes, I have miles to go before I sleep.

The birds were lazily walking around with tummy full of fish..

As I left foot prints on the sand I was reminded of the story where a man was constantly comforted seeing two sets of was his and the other was God's footprints always walking alongside of him. At one point in the journey when it had been the  most hard,  he noticed that there were only one set of footprints. He had asked God as to where He had been as there was just one set of footprints, and God had replied that He had been  carrying him at those hardest times, which account for just one set of foot prints!! This story is written in wall hangings and so on, and it is so true, that when I am weakest then I am strong as the Lord IS my strength. Footprints forever remind me of this little meaningful narrative. This has given solace to many a soul ...

As we travel on the mission road wherever it may be, may God's peace fill you and may the Grace of God keep you.
Please do pray for the needs of all those who are on the road now. Isiah 52:7: How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"
Until we meet again
Lots of love
In Christ

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